

 mood. sekarang tgh ade mood nk blogging. hha actually, hari2 lain kalau ade mood pun xboleh juggak nk update. 1st sbb sy xde bb sndri, so mmg susah la nk update. paham2 la, pinjam org pnye mne la nk boleh lme2 kan.kene sedar diri.heh :D mlas nk pegi amik wifi merata.heh 2nd, mcm agak busy la jgk. kdg2 tu mcm2 nk tulis, tp skdr dlm hati je lah karang ayat mmg xsmpai la kt atas pad ni nk di publish kan kt org.hee so sorry again.

eh, aku ade header baru kan.mcm layout pun baru,pastu dah xtau nk buat ape bnde baru dah kat sini. tp yg pnting sukaaa lah kali ni. i punya blog kne buat apa yg i suka la kan.hee so lpas ni mmg lme pulak la nk tukar bnde baru. sbb i suka blog i berwajah begini.lol.

skrg,atas meja ni byk gila barang,pastu kerja kalau buat list byk la jugak. xberpadanan dgn i yg asyik relaks je gelak2 dgn diorng ni smua. haish. xpe, xpe.esok i rajin. jgn risau. pasti.:) recently. all ly closest friends here had a vacation at langkawi. and its my choice not to join them.its MY decision. no regret. lets look at the brightside. im human, i get jealous. i got the feeling of being isolated. but then,be rational. whatts the point? im happy for you guyss. enjoy the moment. there will be another time. come on. smile because its happen. do not cry because its over.right? :) friends are always friends.and i love you guys. jabb got dslr.new one. expensive one.:O woah.heh snap numerous of cool picture which is damn im not able to be in that picture.HAHA u know how muchh i love camera.ehem.:)
u have a skill there abg jabb, keep it up! :D so here there are.

oh sikit2 je lah eh boleh tunjuk. klau nk tgk bykboleh dtg bilik.mintak external jabb.ade byk lg dlm tu.:) this is the one i think looks like langkawii the most.hee

okay.hbes psal langkawi.psal i pulak. u made my day. thank you. 

its late.write again later.

 dont ever doubt that.

until then,

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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

my birthday.:)